College Station Soccer Club Pictures
Saturday, October 5, 2013 Saturday, October 12
U5-U6 Veteran's Park U9-U18 Veteran's Park
U7-U8 Bachmann Park
Veteran's Park Pictures will be taken behind the Air Force fields in the open area near the jogging path.
Bachmann Park Pictures will be taken on the open field next to the pavilion.
Please try to have your team arrive at least 45 minutes before your scheduled game time. Pictures will be taken on a first
come, first serve basis (according to which complete team arrives first).
If you have questions, please email [email protected]
Saturday, October 5, 2013 Saturday, October 12
U5-U6 Veteran's Park U9-U18 Veteran's Park
U7-U8 Bachmann Park
Veteran's Park Pictures will be taken behind the Air Force fields in the open area near the jogging path.
Bachmann Park Pictures will be taken on the open field next to the pavilion.
Please try to have your team arrive at least 45 minutes before your scheduled game time. Pictures will be taken on a first
come, first serve basis (according to which complete team arrives first).
If you have questions, please email [email protected]