You will need to choose the correct division to register your son in below. U5 means they were born in 2017, U6 players are born in 2016, etc. Each age division has the corresponding birth year(s) next to it. If you try to register in the wrong division the system will not allow you to finalize the registration. If you are registering multiple players you will need to come back to this page, or the girls page, to register each additional player.
If you want to play your child up a division, you still need to register them in the age division according to their birth year and then submit a playup request to [email protected].
U5 Player (Born in 2017) *coed
U6 Player (Born in 2016) *coed
U7 Player (Born in 2015)
U8 Player (Born in 2014)
U10 Player (Born in 2012 or 2013)
U12 Player (Born in 2010 or 2011)
U14 Player (Born in 2008 or 2009)
U17 Player (Born in 2005, 2006, or 2007) *coed